Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Maine Event 2nd Birthday Party

Our our little guy's 2nd birthday, we held the "Maine Event" of the summer.

The Theme
I thought for months about a theme for the party, but was determined to keep it at least a little simpler than his First Birthday Party.  Eventually, I settled on a Maine/Nautical theme for the party.  Why?  Well, with baby #2 coming in just a couple of months, we are working on setting up a "big boy room" for our guy to move in to.  Again for the room, it took me a while to settle on a theme, but after seeing a blanket that I loved with a nautical theme and buoys, I immediately thought of Maine and the love that the our family has for it.  I thought it would be a perfect theme for the room, which would allow me a lot of options and wouldn't be too babyish.  Anyway, because I had decided on this for his bedroom, I decided to make that the theme of his birthday as well.  That way, we could celebrate our big boy AND use decorations that I intend to use in his room for the party as well.

Now, on to the party...

The Decorations
As I said, I tried to keep everything simple for the party, but as those who know me know "simple" for me is probably not the same as most people.  As my husband has told me several times in the past, I tend to get a little "crazy" about these types of things.  So, I continued with the Maine/Nautical (but mostly nautical) theme in a red, white and blue color scheme (which is what I had wanted and what also matched the blanket that I found) and since the party was in the summer, finding decorations in those colors was quite easy.

For the dining room table, I used some decorations that I already had (Larry the Lobster (a souvenir from my time in Bar Harbor, Maine), a white tablecloth, blue placemats (which I made into a runner) and a rope/anchor frame).  Then, I added a fish net, some buoys I purchased for the room, some colored plates and napkins, lobster bibs (which was my hubby's awesome idea and were free from Red Lobster), and some containers of red and white treats: (mini powdered donuts-aka "Life Preservers", Swedish Fish-aka "The Catch of the Day", red/white/blue candy corn, and some M&M's-a party requirement for this family).

This "2" I made from a cardbox box (Pinterest style) and then wrapped it with crepe paper.  The life preserver is a pillow that I purchased for the Big Boy bedroom.

The Guests
For our guests, I invited all of our little friends from church and their parents, in addition to family.  Several people could unfortunately not make it due to previous plans, but we had a great time nonetheless fellowshipping with those that could (which is why we love having these parties.  Not only do we get to celebrate our little guy, but we get to know out local friends a little better!)
The Birthday Boy picking on Daddy
Friends talking in the back yard.  The "buoys" hanging from the tree were another Pinterest idea I found.  They are white paper lanterns that we spray painted the bottoms red.  Again, I hope to use them in Asher's room.

The Food
Since I knew I wasn't going to have the help of my amazingly talented hostess/mother for the party and I would have to make everything on my own, I tried to keep things simple.  Thus, the menu included the following: "Sloppy Fisherman Sandwiches" (aka sloppy joes), "Boat-tie Pasta Salad", "Red/White/Blue Fruit Salad", "Crabby Chicken Salad Sandwiches" (this was supposed to be chicken salad on croissants made to look like crabs-via Pinterest but I ran out of time/ambition), a veggie tray, Oyster Crackers, "Fish 'n Chips" (aka Goldfish & chips) and "Ocean Jello (aka blue jello with Swedish fish).

Eating necessities: Per Pinterest "research" I tied the napkins up with twin and Life Savers.
The Sloppy Fisherman Sandwiches, Crabby Chicken Salad, Fruit Salad and Boat-Tie Pasta Salad.
The Veggie Tray, Ocean Jello, Fish 'n Chips & Oyster Crackers.
For drinks, we had Ocean Water and Red, White, & Blue Spritzer
The Birthday Boy enjoying his dinner.

The "Beach"
For entertainment, all we really had was a shady backyard, some ladder toss & the sandbox.  With all of our little guests under the age on 10, and most under the age of four, the sandbox was all that was needed.  It was a crowded place to be for most of the party!

The Dessert/Birthday Cake
What would be a birthday party without dessert?  I wouldn't know, because it is a must in our household!  To gratefy the sweet tooth of our guests we had "Fisherman's Rope" (aka licorice), Life Savers candies, "Lobster Stew" (aka a pot of the lobster cookies I made that didn't hold up until the party...I couldn't just throw them all away!), Strawberry poke-cake cupcakes with Lobster chocolates (which I made using a candy mold from Amazon), and a chocolate Life Preserver birthday cake that I made using a bundt cake pan, white frosting, and red sugar.
The Dessert Table
Birthday Cake
A close-up of the Lobster Stew.

A quick shot with our birthday boy.

When it was time to sing Happy Birthday and blow out the candle, we got by our little guy ready to help him out.  We had practiced blowing out candles a couple of weeks prior for my husband's birthday, but I wasn't sure if our birthday boy would be able to do it on his own.  Although it barely looked like he was moving his mouth, he surprised us by blowing out the flame with no help!

He really enjoyed his cake and I found out that when he asked grandma for "more", she obliged, so the birthday boy got to have TWO pieces of cake that day!!!....I guess one piece for each year of his life!?  ;)

The Gifts
Although a birthday party at our house cannot happen without dessert, it could happen without presents...but doesn't.  Since our little guy already has way more than he needs and we want our guests to be able to enjoy fellowship with us and the others without feeling obligated to bring a gift, we asked that they don't.  There are always a few that just won't listen though, and we don't even give the request to Grandma and Grandpa, because we know they wouldn't.  Thus, after the guests had gone, Asher got to enjoy a small gift-opening.
Not sure what this was about.  He threw himself face-first into the presents with his mouth wide open.

A new Truck from Grandma & Grandpa!  As you can see below, it was a pretty big hit with the Birthday Boy

The Thank You
Finally, we had a small gift for our guests to take home as a thank you for coming to our Maine Event.  It included bags full of Lobster shaped sugar cookies (which I made using a Lobster cookie cutter off Amazon) and tied closed with red, white and blue bubbles and curly straws for the kids.

So that was it, our Maine Event/Nautical themed party for the Maine (little) man in our lives.  Everything went perfectly and I am quite pleased with how it all turned out.  That night though, as my husband and I lay in bed exhausted from the day's events, he looked at me and said, "let's not have a party next year" (I'm sure fully knowing that wasn't an option).  I looked back at him smiling and said, "OK.  We will not have a party next year.  Instead we'll have  two parties!"  ;) ...but after baby #2's first birthday, the two might have to share the fun during one large combined party!

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